Sunday, 11 December 2011

Puppy Flynn - Complete

So I mentioned before I was putting off Flynn’s pictures, well it finally happened... I went through the thousand pictures and came up with 25 pictures I felt worthy of sharing.

For a slightly different post I thought I would do a pre and post edit of each picture. Although nearly every picture had the same effect done, a slight soft focus with Photoshop curves to boost the autumn colours.
Here I liked the picture but I was changing focal length and it blurred, adding a vintage look to poor quality pictures at least makes it look intentional.
Slight rotation, crop and removal of a tree.
I liked this picture - but the background wasn't great... I tried to bring focus in on Flynn.
Flynn getting playful.
This photo wasn't as crisp as I would like, but in my defence it's very hard to focus on a puppy running at you using F1.8... (bad workman blaming tools here).
Increasing the colours works really well on the browned leaves too.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Gift Tags

I'm a lazy Christmas shopper and I know what gifts I want to buy, so online is the way for me. Today the first batch of parcels turned up, meaning I need to hide them in wrapping paper... meaning they need name tags.

From a sheet of A3 card I've managed to create 25 mini cards to use.
If I'm feeling really lazy I might print them a bit bigger and use them for cards too.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Puppy Flynn

Flynn, he's a lovely collie puppy - I'd been wanting to go around to Andy's house for some time to photograph him playing. Last month a sunny day came along while we were both free so I headed over.

Flynn lost interest in the ball and started coming for the camera, again.

Unfortunately I’ve been putting off the processing of these images for some time now, I was there for a couple of hours and now have 1,059 pictures to worry about. In my humble opinion pet photographers have a harder time than those of us who shoot weddings. Honestly, this bundle of fluff wouldn’t stay still. He also hasn’t go the art of catching balls yet, but it’s just as cute when they bounce off his nose.

There will be a proper post to follow when I get around to getting my head around the pictures.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Winters here

Igor has a new hat which fits well. it comes just in time for winter, it seems to be getting extremely cold.

Also it looks like a beret, so even better!